Excessive Sweating and MS
(too old to reply)
2004-07-21 00:37:14 UTC
Is anyone here familiar with excessive sweating associated with MS related
nerve damage?
If so, what kind of treatments have been successful in alleviating such
sweating? Drugs, electrical impulse therapy, surgury, etc???
John Cawston
2004-07-21 01:14:29 UTC
I can't produce a "little" sweat, let alone "excessive" amounts. Not sure
why not - maybe it's because I can't work hard enough for long enough.
Post by retired99
Is anyone here familiar with excessive sweating associated
with MS related nerve damage?
If so, what kind of treatments have been successful in
alleviating such sweating? Drugs, electrical impulse therapy,
surgury, etc???
rose dawn scott
2004-07-21 16:17:18 UTC
Post by John Cawston
I can't produce a "little" sweat, let alone "excessive" amounts. Not sure
why not - maybe it's because I can't work hard enough for long enough.
hi heather,

me too neither! it's been not only hot here, but also humid [that's
unusual for san diego county], and everyone around me is sweating like
a horse, but not me. the other day i had my hair up in a ponytail [to
keep it off my neck!], and i could feel a sensation that felt llike
heat rising from my scalp and getting trapped under my hair. when i
put my hand on my head, my head felt hot. but was i sweating? not a

i've wondered if there's some kind of weird-out with our body's
self-cooling ability -- something to do with heat sensitivity. no
ideas here about whether the connections would relate to cause,
effect, or coincidence.

i save money on anti-perspirants at least, i guess!

2004-07-21 19:39:56 UTC
Post by rose dawn scott
i've wondered if there's some kind of weird-out with our body's
self-cooling ability -- something to do with heat sensitivity. no
ideas here about whether the connections would relate to cause,
effect, or coincidence.
Hi Rose,

Several yrs ago a neuro told me the reason why people with MS have such
a problem
with the heat is because our body's cooling system doesn't work right so
we don't
sweat the way we should which is the way our body usually cools itself.
I don't know
if it's true or not but it sounded *right on* for me.

2004-07-22 19:07:25 UTC
Post by silvervz
Several yrs ago a neuro told me the reason why people with MS have such
a problem
with the heat is because our body's cooling system doesn't work right so
we don't
sweat the way we should which is the way our body usually cools itself.
I don't know
if it's true or not but it sounded *right on* for me.
I still sweat the same with the MS as I always have and based on what
I've seen is pretty normal sweating. I do have some friends and family
members who don't sweat - kinda odd.
2004-07-21 05:05:13 UTC
Post by retired99
Is anyone here familiar with excessive sweating associated with MS related
nerve damage?
If so, what kind of treatments have been successful in alleviating such
sweating? Drugs, electrical impulse therapy, surgury, etc???
I have had excessive sweating but it was caused by the Zoloft. The
other times I've had sweating it has been temporary and caused by other
drugs. My sister did send me a link on Hyperhidrosis a couple of weeks
ago which might be helpful (assuming you don't already have the link):
2004-07-21 05:14:25 UTC
Denise sweats from time to time. Have to watch the temperature closely.
could be hot flash stuff. She did try lexapro and that caused her to sweat
profusely.......I mean really really drenching.

john the towel boy
denise the sauna girl
Post by retired99
Is anyone here familiar with excessive sweating associated with MS related
nerve damage?
If so, what kind of treatments have been successful in alleviating such
sweating? Drugs, electrical impulse therapy, surgury, etc???
2004-07-21 16:37:17 UTC
Subject: Excessive Sweating and MS
Date: 7/20/2004 6:37 PM Mountain Daylight Time
Is anyone here familiar with excessive sweating associated with MS related
nerve damage?
If so, what kind of treatments have been successful in alleviating such
sweating? Drugs, electrical impulse therapy, surgury, etc???
A search of 'Botox and sweating' should bring up ANOTHER of Botox's ... uses ..

Who loves ya.

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Jim Carter
2004-07-21 21:01:01 UTC
You are seeing this message because Tom Hennessy aka
***@aol.com has posted a message in
alt.support.mult-sclerosis. If you are new to
this group then please see


Tommy believes discussions are conducted by cussing
and name calling. His gutter mentality is shown


In his mind, Hennessy believes he is a great researcher
who has won a Nobel Prize. In fact, he just copies
material from the web and pastes it to usenet,
proudly calling this his research. There was a
time when people like Tommy were institutionalized,
now they are allowed to run for public office.

GT Tick
2004-07-22 00:05:58 UTC
This must be another example of the differences in MS folks.

I sweat profusely when I start getting hot but still can't cool down. I
have to wear a sweat band or rolled up bandana to keep the sweat out of
my eyes and off my glasses.


*****Don't Cry Because It's Over...Smile Because It Happened.*****
John Husvar
2004-07-22 12:08:31 UTC
Post by GT Tick
This must be another example of the differences in MS folks.
I sweat profusely when I start getting hot but still can't cool down. I
have to wear a sweat band or rolled up bandana to keep the sweat out of
my eyes and off my glasses.
*****Don't Cry Because It's Over...Smile Because It Happened.*****
I have a form of Autonomic Dysreflexia, but my neurologist can't
attribute it to any particular one of my three conditions. (Three?
Sheesh, I thought I got away with just MS and PPS!)

The last MRI showed a "displacement" or subluxation of my spine,
pressing on my spinal cord at T4-T5 from a very old injury that may be
catching up with me. The term "displacement" bugs me a little bit. I
thought only chiropractors talked much about displacement or
subluxations. :)

Gee, how nice, another fiddling little thingummy to mess with my already
messy head!

Anyhow, Autonomic Dysreflexia, or AD, causes your autonomic nervous
system to go a little haywire. People who have it have symptoms from
excessive sweating to no sweating and high temperature, to blood
pressure problems and some others that can be life-threatening.

So far I've been pretty lucky with it. All I get is excessive sweating
when bowel, bladder, or stomach are overfull. I sweat like the
proverbial pig in those instances, but so far that's all.

This has been a pretty stressful month. My wife had foot surgery and
can't do any of her usual things. So I've had to handle most of the barn
work etc. in addition to the usual househusbandly duties. Giving my legs
fits since I have a hard time walking a few hundred feet and now have to
toddle out to the barn, some 300 feet from the back door, feed the horse
and goats and cats, etc. and clean up a bit, then sorta stumble back to
the house for a rest. Whatta life!

Won't be lomng though before Linda and I together can make up one good
worker again. :)
2004-07-22 13:46:46 UTC
I have had this problem for years; however, I've noticed that it is
REALLY bad when I am not feeling well or in pain. I can be sitting
down and watch sweat roll down my arm from my underarm or down my
back. It's incredibley gross and now that I wear uniforms at my job,
I have discovered and use dress shields in them to help keep stains
from showing. I almost hope that I can get that one MS symptom where
I stop sweating altogether. I know, I know,,,be careful what you wish
for! Kelly

PS They just got approval on Botox injections for hyperhydrosis! Now
we just need a CURE FOR MS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by GT Tick
This must be another example of the differences in MS folks.
I sweat profusely when I start getting hot but still can't cool down. I
have to wear a sweat band or rolled up bandana to keep the sweat out of
my eyes and off my glasses.
*****Don't Cry Because It's Over...Smile Because It Happened.*****
2014-12-22 06:43:35 UTC
Excessive sweating in the palms and armpits is very common and affects about 1% of the population. The medical name for this condition is hyperhidrosis. Excessive sweating causes problems as unsightly stains on clothing and odors. Botox is the most effective method of treatment provides long-lasting effect against sweat. Botox blocks the nerve impulses that go forward to the sweat glands, so sweating is reduced.
See more:-> http://www.oslohudlegesenter.no/behandlinger-behandlinger-botox-mot-svette.html
